Get in Touch!


I'd love to hear from you.  Feel free to drop me a line to say hi.  If you are interested in submitting work for any of my feature series, please follow the instructions below.

Featured Photographer Submissions
If you'd like to suggest a Holga photographer who's work you love, or your own work, for consideration please email me.  Please include your name, name of the photographer, and any relevant websites or photos for me to take a look at, with the subject line "Feature photographer submission".  I love finding new Holga photography!  Don't be shy!  Click here to see past Feature Photographer posts.

Holga on Etsy
If you'd like to submit your Etsy products/shop for consideration please email me with the subject line "Holga on Etsy submission".  Feel free to suggest your own shop, or someone elses.  Please keep submissions to Holga and toy camera related products.  Include your name, email address, and Etsy shop link.  Click here to see past Holga on Etsy posts.

Sponsor and Advertising Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring my blog, please email me for rates and more information!

Advertising on The Holga Darkroom will connect you with fellow Holga lovers and those interested in toy camera photography, lomography, and photography related products.  Rates are very affordable.  Please email me at jen [at] holgajen [dot] com.  Be sure to include your name, website, nature of your business and email address.


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